Rolled 47, 2, 90 = 139 (3d100)
>"Good Idea. Jawbreaker out"
>"Gnomiliscious, park the van. Go take her things away.">>5657472The liquid-metal blade immediately jump in her hand. Kaede slashes at the thing above her, which can't even let a growl of pain, holding the honey dripping from his throat wound.
The door. Kaede rushes, open the sliding metal pannel, rushes out.
>"What the... Gnomiliscious, noooooo!"The clumsy candy golem was just around the door, struggling to open it - was Gnomiliscious wanting to have some private time with the naked teenage? Did it deserve a knife wound?
>"COME BACK HERE SKANK!!!!"Sexually-promiscuity degrading worth. How typical of rape-culture enablers.
Didn't typed fast enough it seems.Universe flicker one second, and her memory blurs. Did she punch the gnome or slash him? It does not matter.
>Roll for your Jawbreaker! Perks : Fightin' spirit (1 stack), Potential - +10