>>5509649>>5509827>>5509884>[2]>>5509831>[3]Called early for [2] so I don't have any delay writing later. I need rolls.
>Please roll me 3 1d100s - 5 (+10 Consecrated, -15 Ew Ew What The Shit) vs. DC 40 (-10 Apparently Very Willing To Eat Beetles??) to get in there safely!Dice for everybody else:
Arledge: 3 1d100s + 15 (+20 WORM, +10 Consecrated, -15 Battered) vs. DC 80 (+40 GODWORM, -10 Consecrated)
Annie: 3 1d100s + 35 (+40 GODWORM, -5 Constricted) vs. DC 80 (+20 WORM, +10 Consecrated)
???: 3 2d100s - 10 (-10 ???) vs. DC 75 (+25 ???), take highest result>>5509649>picrel>>5509831It is the will of the people.
I'm not planning on leaning hard into the vore angle don't worry>>5510022checked