Not really, you reply in a rare use of your internal voice, but she doesn’t need to know that, does she?
“No,” Ly replies in an approving tone, “she doesn’t, does she?”
Giving the scientist the most convincing resigned sigh you can muster, you hold your hand out to her and let a warm smile slowly form on your face. “Yes,” you reply, yes you do.
“<span class="mu-i">S-S-Stanley…</span>” Denise whispers in awe, “<span class="mu-i">I…. I don’t know what to say…</span>”
She doesn’t need to say <span class="mu-i">anything</span>, you grin! She just needs to hook you up with those <span class="mu-g">BUGS!</span> Clasping your hand between two sweaty gloves, the scientist frantically shakes it with an unsettling, arrhythmic giggle!
“<span class="mu-i">P-P-PARTNERS!</span>” She exclaims as a fresh stream of tears leaks from her eyes! “<span class="mu-i">D-D-Don’t worry, Stan–I w-won’t let you d-down!</span>” As Denise gives you a stiff salute, you respond with an even bigger smile–yes, you think to yourself, that oughta’ do it…
“<span class="mu-i">W-w-well then what are we waiting for!?</span>” Denise asks as she shuffles towards the exit, “<span class="mu-i">If y-you can d-distract th-the others for a little bit, I sh-should be able to grab the ingredients f-for the LISTENING BUGS…</span>”
And then all you’ll have to do is flick ‘em onto someone and listen, right? Sounds almost <span class="mu-i">too</span> easy!
“<span class="mu-i">W-well you’ll h-have to acquire a R-RECEIVER, of c-course…</span>” The scientist responds excitedly. “<span class="mu-i">N-never fear: D-Doctor Venaas w-will pr-provide!</span>” Pausing in front of the door, her cheerful enthusiasm diminishes somewhat as her hand clasps the doorknob. “<span class="mu-i">Th-though I’m not sure h-how many I’ll be able t-to make… I s-suppose we’ll h-have to see, yes?</span>”
You suppose you will, you grunt as you join her by the exit. Giving the <span class="mu-g">MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR</span> one last look-around, your heart skips a beat as your gaze meets the resting place of <span class="mu-r">THE BAT</span> on the floor…
And finds it <span class="mu-s">EMPTY!</span>>CONTD.