I'm beat guys, but I'm aiming to have the update out in the next 12 hours. From there I'll be hitting the surf, sun and sand for a little while.
>>5571941There are, much like the 'Love is a Battlefield' treatsie on chivalric courtship. While Emile is not the most academic noble around, he'd be aware of some of these regarding the chivalric concepts. While reasonable minds might differ on the subject, the general concensus in such circles is staunchly against loopholes and the like.
It is much more chivalric to comply with the spirit of the code than the letter, especially where there is an easy out available.
The more Machievellian-esque works would be known by the Crown Prince and to some extent the females of your household, and such works even blatantly discuss using chivalry as a tool where the lack of common sense might disadvantage an opponent. The greatest of these are an anthology of memoirs from the Generalis Rex, the lineage of generals that evenatually solidified a Cantonian state following the colonisation by the Brothers generations prior to that.
>>5571803>>5571919>>5572004Aw shucks guys. You keep me motivated.