“Teleportatiooooonnn…” The witch mutters as she performs some unknown task on her end, “Excellent choice if I do say so myself…”
As if on cue, the room around you begins to hum and rumble with magical energy! Back to back with your pals, you give them a determined nod. No goin’ back now!
“Destination…. <span class="mu-i">locked.</span>” Murmurs the witch as the lily pad below you begins to glow blue! “Sentries <span class="mu-g">ESKER</span> and <span class="mu-g">VIBALD</span> have been programmed… IFFs updated, virtual intelligence configured for autonomous operation… cores charged… observe, Rodhi, you might <span class="mu-i">learn</span> somethink for once…”
The third remaining sentry steps off the teleport pad and watches from a safe edge as lights begin to dance around you! As Lil’ Stanley swipes at them from the safety of Talbot’s shoulder, you feel a wave of static wash over your body!
“Demonic warding complete–triple-cast, naturally. No half measures…” A few moments of unintelligible muttering later, a triumphant ‘ha-<span class="mu-i">HA</span>’ rings out over the sound of the teleporter!
“Remember, preemitives–<span class="mu-b">RESET</span> the <span class="mu-g">’TOTEM’</span> and the <span class="mu-r">COLLECTOR OF SECRETS</span> weel have no more eenfluence over thees world… write eet down, please–gods help you eef you forget…” As you feel your, well, <span class="mu-i">you</span> start to slip into uncertainty, you hear a faint voice from wherever the sea witch’s is coming from.
“Of <span class="mu-i">course</span> they won’t be <span class="mu-i">monitored</span>, eedeeot… the damned seestems are overrun by <span class="mu-r">DEMONS.</span> Just monitor for any changes and stop tryink to be smart…”
Before you can inquire further, the room is rocked by a sudden <span class="mu-s">CRACK</span> of crimson energy! Feeling yourself immaterialize, a sound frighteningly similar to some kind of <span class="mu-r">ALARM</span> fills the chamber!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OVannBfBrwGlancing down at your body, your eyes widen as you watch your legs evaporate into a series of flickering shapes… then your midsection, then your chest, and finally your-
“Rodhi, deed you remember to ward the teleporter? I’m seeink-”
And in a flash, your world goes dark.
<span class="mu-b">ROLL ME 1d100 FOR REASONS! I’LL TAKE THE BEST OF 3 ROLLS!</span>