<span class="mu-s">Thread Archive</span>:
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5915513/The S Rank Supreme Beauty and All-Mighty Angel of Fortune <span class="mu-s">Tychae</span> now claims ownership of this thread! Please hold back your applause at my stunning good looks and overwhelming power over the domains of fate and causality.
Now you may or may not have noticed that the boring fellow who runs these threads has been pretty sporadic these last couple of weeks. Sadly, things that should have been wrapping up by the time he <span class="mu-i">started</span> this thread got extended by <span class="mu-s">two whole months</span> for various reasons. Now don't tell the boring man, but now that things <span class="mu-i">are</span> wrapping up, I plan on kidnapping him and making him my prisoner for a few weeks so we can do this and that.
Ehe~! Just kidding, I'm <span class="mu-i">way</span> out of his league~
It's work that's taking him prisoner - right now, in fact - and then after that he'll be taking some time off to do boring things like "tend his garden", "plant some tomatoes", and "catch up on his sleep". You can expect him to return to his hamster life, grinding out chapters once he's refreshed and ready. Alas, he did not give me a date, but early to mid April is Tychae's best guess.
Now that talking about that bore is done, let's talk about the apple of my great-granddaughter's eye. To start, since, uh... no one used the <span class="mu-s">special vouchers</span>, Tychae will be merciful and allow them to carry over to the next thread. Don't expect this mercy again, my great-granddaughter just begged REALLY hard for her little human to receive these boons, got it?
So you have a choice of what to do with the rest. I think you have four banked rolls to work with, do correct me if I'm wrong. <span class="mu-s">As always, one will convert to negate the first natural one of the next thread</span>, but how will you spend the other three?
>Buy a feat>Buy a magic talent>Buy a combat talent>Buy a skill talent>Enhance your standard loadout>Apply a +1 inherent bonus to STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, or CHA (limit 2)>>5952703Silly anon. People getting really hung up on one person is only human. He'll probably find a love interest eventually, if he doesn't manage to woo Louise.
>>5952743Yeah, that boring guy has two types. Super tall and muscular tomboys or super short and dummy thicc dorks. There are many fish in the sea for little Otto, but he'll need to find them.
>>5953573It is the microcosm of the problems with the Roslands, right there... and its fallout being exactly why he normally doesn't make such cold-hearted ploys. Unfortunately, the Princeps Amalia can be very persuasive when she wishes to be.
>>5953583Yes, you understand their methods well.
Torture? No. They have other ways by which they can seduce him to the dark side.>>5953826Little Otto always ran with his men, but never actually fought during those skirmishes, it should be noted.