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I'd offer you some Factors, as we employed when protecting client VERDANT GREEN, but it seems Agent Cheddar's... flirtation (???) with the Extropians have had some unscheduled effects with Nanotic Core Systems.
You might noticed you hit a little harder than expected in some instances, tonight? The Extropians turned the constraints on the nanotic systems off, so your ARC core implant systems have been running red hot most of the evening. I gather she did it as a kind of joke, but the consequences have been a little marked - though at least beneficial, for the most part. Without some lab time to find out precisely what she did we can't risk turning it off, but you should be aware that the systems are straining in novel ways and if you push them too far we might get unexpected results. I think that's part of their game? They've set up a subtle psychological pressure here - odds are the systems will act out of bounds of our projections if we push them but until we do, they're... well... Finetuned is an understatement, I suppose.
It's been like that for hours and it's not showing any signs of wearing off so, I think we'll just accept the curious little pact-gift and hope ther are no strange consequences.
As a reminder:
>Lethality Factor 1 turns on criticals in close quarters and adds an automatic +1 to all close quarter and lethal operations
>Resilience Factor 1 gives you innate armor and that many automatic hits when Resisting
>Critical Factor is a new one, but it seems the Extropians adjusted the precise gearing for the output of your systems? Multiple 10s on the same roll tend to result in higher grade critical outcomes.