>>6151904Action 1: Holmbastus Harbour
A grand harbour is planned, wrought out of great deep slate foundations that will last for coming centuries with groaning cores of Alive Oak that drink deeply from the Tarn.
Here, great wailing ships of Alive Oak will be assembled and sent out across the Tarn to bring wealth from far places to Holmbastus, the city itself being more or less entirely dedicated to trade now. Holmbastus Trimegistus it is referred to by some as, for it is connected to possibly all of Pavillon now by three means, by road, by sea and by air. It is the intention of the Vitruvians that this city of theirs become the heart of trade all across the continent. With direct trade links to Krovians, Guliseare, Bahayan, Venkmen and Habitun, and extended trade connections to Barza, Vizari, Adenai, Ordelan, Orcman and Skrit, the ambitions of the Homunculi may be warranted.
The grand harbour is fully integrated into the road network and the airport by one colossal freight terminal, allowing extreme quantities of goods to be unloaded and reloaded from carriage to ship to Roc in whichever way is required, such that everything may arrive at its destination.
It is this port that shall accept Venkish trade ships, and this port that shall send boats full of potion to the lapidary, to return full of crystal glass.
Action 2: Naval trade route to Habitun (Lapidairy Port)
Much work must be done to establish trade with the Habitun Cult. Their valuable crystal glass is useful for beakers, lenses and all other forms of alchemical equipment.
Warehouses must be established, fleets of ships assembled, new industries developed, and indeed the city of Holmbastus itself redesigned to support the expected influx of merchants from all the far corners of the world, many of which may end up staying here (As Holmbastus is possibly the only habitable city in Vitruvia that foreigners would find themselves not in mortal danger).
Districts are adjusted and boulevards aligned to cultivate the growth of “Kroviavilles” and “Habitowns” and “Venktopias”, though Sabbatical involves itself with the plans before long, insisting that the Venks be kept along the coast far from the central districts, insisting that they are an “abyssal people” with a “ruinous nature” and a character of discord and silence.
Nobody is quite sure where Sabbatical picked up this grudge, but the influence of the hive mind is significant enough that he must be listened to.