>>6091184Here is a rewritten, adjusted, compensated and streamlined underlining of the core methodology by which you sprout claws to rips peoples face off or become faster than lightning.
The Reference Qualities make up the core, unshakable skeleton of a character and they are *incredibly* hard to change because they are the sanity spice upon which this deranged zoo works. Without it, the animals run much wilder than they already do, and to be entirely honest, Command already lost an section of this facility to an enormous pulsating mass, there are wooden children having a religious pilgrimage and one guy is now able to shoot lighting from his hands.
The zoo animals are clearly running wild enough as is.
You can - as a singular generalized exception to the NO HARD TAKE-OFF SELF REFERENCE SINGULARITY ESCALATION - generally speaking test with higher values to modify Features by specializing them further.
Physicality 10
"can I grow stronger". One test vs 10, garnish with CP.
Physicality 10 [Strength 3]
"Can I alter my strength to tuned to ripping apart walls?". One test vs 10 + 3 from the Strength, garnish with CP.
Physicality 10 [Breaking Blow 6, *Easy to Avoid]
*Easy to Avoid qualifies that enemies avoid this easily.
"Can I fine-tune my wall-tearing adaption to also work in close quarters". One test against 10 + 6 from the breaking blow, garnish with CP.
Physicality 10 [Breaking Blow 4]
And now, suddenly, you can test Physicality with intent to break things apart with your bare hands at 14, and when you do so, enormously violent things happen, to the tune of "multiply margin by 4" and then you roll 10 vs 14 and deal 16 damage to someone's arm and you throw it across the room.
In all of this, your Physicality itself did not move one singular inch, Changeling. But at every step, it was easier to adjust and manipulate because you were changing a quality you already had! Nice!
If you somehow transpired to increase it, you should count yourself lucky, because a +1 to a reference quality is REALLY GOOD STUFF. It makes you WILDLY MORE POWERFUL across THE WHOLE SPECTRUM.
Kindly, if you would, Changelings, stop trying to cause a hard take-off singularity in this system. You can't +1 to your way to Infinity.
Jokes about not reading the rules aside, Command does understand that this is very new and a little hard to intuit. With some training and time, it does hopefully become easier.
Generally speaking, simply be aware that the system very, very, very, VERY MUCH hard caps your ability to simply add +1 to the same thing forever, because it is the one thing all players always want to immediately do and since Command hates you all with a burning passion of a trillion grills, Command has decided to make it incredibly, violently hard to do so.
Subject Acolyte tore open someone's Core, ate it, consumed some part of all that Bob could ever be and the reward for such reckless monstrosity was +1 to Mutability.