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The chase ends in the bridge between both of the department complexes at each side of the cruiser, a long hallway with nothing but windows on both sides, looming high over the park at the heart of the cruiser. Emma sees Angel standing in the middle of it, wearing a cocky grin under her always calm eyes- and Emma still has some breath left. But she doesn’t spend it because, a few steps in, she sees what Angel is standing next to. Angel’s cocky grin only widens as Emma notices the large hole next to her
which is a water slide.
Only Emma’s eyes move in her entire body, and only to look down from the window. Mouth wide in horror, Emma finally makes contact with those very familiar emerald eyes, Angel’s eyes, and only manages to shake her head slowly, over and over, silently begging for mercy. Angel jumps into the slide. Emma screams as if it was her.
But then she jumps too.
Darkness engulfs her as the hole sucks her in, her shrill screams paling against the wind from below. But at some point, the knot on her stomach was gone and her screams became different because there was nothing to control. As the water slide continued to spiral down, Emma had time to realize there was nothing to worry about. When the water slide spat her out she landed on Angel’s arms, who ended up spinning to absorb the momentum. And when Angel finally stopped spinning, Emma was exhilarated.
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">OH! MY! GOD! Let me do that again!!</span>
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">Let you do that? Why would I stop you?</span>
The gentle rain tickles her head like a playful mother, as the clouds roar like bears. Emma recoils her body while in Angel's arms, and then bounces herself off like a spring. The landing is bad though, and she soon finds herself resting on Angel for support.
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">...wow.</span>
Then she looks around.