>>5191988>>5191837>>5191637>>5191627>>5191837>>5191627>>5191637“Roth!” you cry. “Look out!”
This catches the dragonblooded Reptilian’s attention, but also that of the human warrior. Sir Innes pauses in his advance for a moment, looking to you. You see him squint to get a clearer look, and then his eyes widen.
“You!” he roars, recognizing you from the alley despite your shifted appearance on both occasions—perhaps, you guess, by your voice or by context.
>13 vs. 11The distraction is sufficient to allow Roth a chance to flee… But, naturally, Roth is not to sort to abandon the field of battle, and a living witness to the Conspiracy. With a roar of his own—a more visceral one, beyond the capability of human vocal chords—he leap forwards, drawing and swinging his sword. However, Sir Innes is undoubtedly the more skilled, experienced fighter, in spite of Roth likely being of a similar age. Roth, for all his brutality, is an assassin; Innes is a veteran fighter of head-to-head battles against superhuman foes. The human raises an armoured arm to deflect the blow, shielding his face against both Roth’s repeated, savage attacks upon the region of his exposed face and throat, and then pushes him back with a heavy kick.
Though neither friend nor foe gains ground, this skirmish gives you an opening to make your won move. You uncap your magical scroll-case, no longer host to Brezzog the hellhound, and swoop down on wings of night to scoop up what remains of The Mantis. The twitch carapace scratches and scrapes at the ground as the honour-bound abomination strives to re-enter the battle… But whether its head be vital or not, it clearly has compromised its motor coordination. You evade the snapping jaws of the wounded gryphon, now laying upon the ground and guarding its vitals as an injured animal is wont to do, and likewise you evade the flailing sickles and hands of the disoriented demon.
“Calm yourssself,” you whisper. “I am getting you out of here.”
“Like HELL you are, witch!” Sir Innes bellows, swinging his mace and forcing Roth back. The elder human looks back over his shoulder at you, and whirls about, hefting his weapon high.
“Hound!” you snap at Brezzog. “Defend me, and avenge your failure!”