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Where the hell do you even begin with a question like that? Well in your case you start by taking a step closer.
What are you after, you repeat as if you were asked to answer it in front of the whole class, well for starters you were after getting <span class="mu-i">paid</span> for delivering those pizzas… she of all people knows how that went!
Pepper watches you, but doesn’t interrupt.
So then you wanted to hit up the party–make the most of your Friday night! Slam a few drinks, meet some cute girls… and at the very least do something that didn’t involve riding a Ferry back to the mainland for the rest of the night! You feel your face droop a bit before continuing.
But it didn’t work out that way… not for you, not for anyone! You thought that favor you did to get Pepper into the party was the beginning and end of it, but boy how wrong you were! Then Mina wanted you to track down dirt on her stupid dad!
<span class="mu-i">NOW</span> she thinks he’s on the island with you and wants a confession! You never asked to be everyone’s errand boy–you aren’t wearing a shirt that says ‘<span class="mu-i">ASK ME TO HELP YOU DO SOMETHING QUESTIONABLE</span>’, but apparently you’re the only one capable of handling everyone’s dirty baggage!
You gesture to the mines around you. So here we are, you announce, stuck in the middle of a Class 10 <span class="mu-s">SHITSTORM</span> where the only thing worse than the horrible monsters roaming the island and butchering people is the fact that the people running this circus chose <span class="mu-i">now</span> of all days to have their stupid <span class="mu-s">CORPO PISSING MATCH!</span>
You don’t know why everyone thinks you’re so damn integral to their stupid plans tonight, you add with growing anger in your voice, but you don’t give a shit! You don’t want to save the world or rule it with an iron fist–you don’t care about <span class="mu-s">HAUSER PHARMACEUTICALS</span> or past beefs or ancient curses… you just wanna get as many people as you can off this island safe and sound… and give whoever’s responsible for this a taste of their own medicine!
You’re out of breath by the time you finish your answer! Panting like you just ran a marathon, you can almost see a change in Pepper’s face as she absorbs your words…
And… you wheeze, you came here because you were worried about her… and you don’t want her throwing her life away because of a miscommunication!
The redhead opens her mouth to say something, but the two of you are interrupted by another voice!
“You’ve gotta be fucking <span class="mu-s">KIDDING</span> ME right now!”