>>5939841>Script, Pencils & Inks: Matt Wagner. Colors: Sean Konot. Letters: Dave Stewart.>Alt-text: Comic art of Superman flying through the sky and holding Batman in a harness. Batman looks grumpy. An insert panel shows Superman unlatching the harness from its handle.Batman: Ivy’s one of us. We can’t leave her behind. We go after her. We get through to her. We take down Riddler. Together.
Superman: Sounds like a plan. My senses are still a bit muted but that pollen of hers is hard to miss. She’s making a beeline for-
Batman: Robinson Park. It's the highest concentration of plant life in the city.
He smirks.
Superman: Who's the show off now?
Alfred: I regret to inform you that the Batplane is far from operational. The EMP strike interrupted its repairs.
Superman: How warm’s your suit?
Batman: It’s automatically climate-controlled to the optimal human temperature of 310.15K. Why do you ask?