Quoted By:
"We've got three weeks before this thing kills me."
The blade withdraws. Your head is pounding, and your fingers are numb, on account the rope twisted tightly around you. More rope, an excessive amount, is bound around you, your ankles, and a drain pipe in an alleyway.
Katrina's voice is tight, controlled, angry?
"What happened?"
"I...the spider is still there. In the core. She tried to take over, and I won. But there's some kind of- hold on this is really uncomfortable." It's a moment of focus to vanish the ropes binding you into domain storage.
There's a strangled noise and you turn toward Katrina who looks away. It's only your domain power that hears the words from her lips. "<span class="mu-i">Father, how am I supposed to handle this?</span>"
You turn toward Katrina who doesn't meet your eyes. "The core is filling with corruption. Three weeks until it overflows enough to kill me.”
“I...” She sighs. “The situation has changed. I’ll meet you back at the inn.” She walks away, picking up speed.
You glance over at Muffin who shrugs. “Fuck if I know why she’s worked up. The bit with the eyes and the fangs and me cracking you over the head with a bottle didn’t seem like that big of a deal to me. You <span class="mu-i">are</span> normal again, right?” She hefts a glass bottle with a chip missing from the bottom. “Cause I’m pretty sure I can get you again if I need to.”
You shake your pounding head and glance at the alleyway entrance Katrina had vanished from view at. “No, I think I’m fine now.” You vanish the ropes binding you directly into storage and stand, stretching out sore limbs. “Did we get the magic items at least?”
“Should have known those ropes wouldn’t matter...” Is muttered under her breath, then Muffin cackles with glee and holds up two black bundles. “I swung back and nabbed the ordinary stuff too. Should pad out the money pouch.” She tosses both bags to you and they vanish into your domain as well. “Shit got a little...complicated though, didn’t it?”