>>6009472>Serene Republic of Enlightened Goatmen1) The new schools is finished and first class of young goats is introduced to the patriotic curriculum
>Building[School I]
>Other{Patriotic Education]
2) Power... SLOWLY... rising! (6/?+3)
3,4) To much surprise of the patrol, they DO find some wolf cubs. For now, they are in cages in the capital
>Technology[Taming I]
>OtherWolf Cubs (1/1)
5) It shouldn't be hard to find optimal way to float a piece of wood (5/6)
6) Probably a fearsome face painted on the shield would make it work better, demoralising the attackers (5/6)
7) The new marketplace not only provides place for commerce, but becomes a popular hang-out for the goatmen
>Building[Agora I]
8) Bah! Tall tales about some old crazy goat! No way a piece of wood would just move on its own over ground!
>No progress due to low roll9) Well, the wolves are already there, so maybe some animal for them to eat... (1/6)
10) This, indeed, seems like a great endevour for one to conduct... (?/?)
>No progress due to low roll=====
Since you are already behind the curve and the dice blatantly hates you: my suggestion would be to focus on things, rather than spread out, before you end up like Formicus Imperia early on, with bunch of projects that took forever to finish.