>>5401020>>5401033>>5401037>>5401197>>5401331>>5401596You manage to keep the pace up this time with the notes, at one point snack is asked to read the book outloud, and you couldn't possibly imagine a more bored expression on his face as he did.
"God today started of painful"
"Honestly could be worse..."
You hear your fellow students groan out in the backround.
Regardless the lessons skip on by, an the two of you lounge around on break.
"Hey, have you ever used a capsule before?"
"I think my dad has..why?"
"Oh just that..."
You explain to him what happened, and he tilts his head...
"I don't know...never heard of that prenium line... still, maybe we can check it out later?"
"Yeah! I do still need to learn how to use these things..."
You pull out the instruction manual...
<span class="mu-s"> Using capsules in your everyday life! </span>
1)Click the switch for the item stored inside to pop out! Make sure to throw the capsule away from you as you click the switch!
2)Pick up the capsule shell. Click the switch again near the product the capsule came with to store it inside!
3)Unless its a general storage capsule, capsules can only store the product they came with.
4)Capsules cannot be used to transport living things.
5)Do not put a capsule withing a capsule.
6) Please read rules 4 and 5 again thoroughly.
7)Please make sure you have understood rules 4 and 5.
8) Each capsule has a specified mass capacity. Keep in mind before attempting to store something!
Small capsules store pocket sized items
Medium capsules store human sized items.
Large capsules can store house sized items.
9) Any questions can be directed at 777777777.
for 24 hour support.
"Ah geez thats a lot...." Snack mumbles at reading the pamphlet...
"And thats just the basics?!"
You both groan more..
You spot Lunch, shes eating a snack, not that one, with some of her gal pals.
You give her a wave, and she smiles and waves back!
The bell rings, and you groan again. The rest of the school day was rather boring.
"Yo pozo! Lets check that capsule of yours!"
<span class="mu-r"> Yeah! Lets go to my place!" </span>
<span class="mu-b"> Lets check it out somewhere isolated </span>
<span class="mu-g"> I'd rather not right now... </span>