>>5235416>>5235206>>5235118>>5235063>>5234984>>5234974>Sure. You might be able to lead them away from the more monstrously-inclined of your party.“..Very well.” You relent to her request with a reluctant glance back at your party–while this may be no more than a waste of time for them, it would certainly do you well to lead the lot of them away from the monsters in your party. You’ve no doubt that they’d slaughter merry little band and clap you in irons if they found out.
“Ah.. thank you, again.” Millicent bows her head. She steps aside and allows you the full purview of the paths before you. “Then, please. Lead the way.”
You exchange a careful glance between the paths before you and, without much thought, pick one at random–the left one. The berserker follows close at your side whilst the AUF ARSENE crowd around behind you, a wall of weapons and hats that divide you from the rest of your party. You’ll have to trust that they can keep in pace.
“..So..” Millicent leads the charge of her party and, as such, remains close behind you. “You’re rather tall, Von Gundyr.”
“Mmmm?” You frown as you glance back. “Yes, I suppose so.”
“What do you do back on the surface? When you’re not exploring monster-infested dungeons, I mean.” She presses on.
“..I was a DRAGOON with the LOCKSTEP CAVALRY.” You shrug–more small talk. “With the war over, I came here. I’ll have to consider an actual career when I return.”
“I see. A military man.” Millicent glances at her feet. “..You have family back home? ..Like, a wife, or any of that sort?”
You roll your eyes. What’s with the interrogation? Does she still doubt you?
>None. You’re not spoken for.>You’re got someone back home (your collection of action serials).>Write-In.