>>5389297"Are we still going to meet at the Dreaming Dragon?" You inquire, delicately storing the Magic Acorn in your pack. "Yeah! Yeah, tonight, just as soon as I'm done with all this!" She exclaims as she is pulled back into the crowd.
Given that she is preoccupied with other matters, you are not afforded the time to have a meaningful chat just now. Still, you must find some way to fill the time. What now?
>With my funds replenished, I will now go on a shopping spree!>I really should go see Ilanis before anything else can distract me.>I am FILTHY and TIRED. I am going to the Phantom Knight Inn to change that.>Amaranth gave me permission to use his books. What better time than the present?>Since I am here, I shall approach the altar of Mielikki.While the Magic Acorn is in your possession, you may converse with animals and have a +3 bonus to convincing them to assist you.