>>5554658>>5555790When you think about Meryl in a wedding dress, which is surely what the ladies want to pick out for her, you compare ideas to her in other kinds of clothing and... Uh, you get a little distracted. You remember her mentioning that she was going to buy black lingerie because white bridal lingerie doesn't suit a non-virgin. That factor sticks in your mind for longer than you anticipated. You wonder if she really needs lingerie, either. After all, she's uh... She's got a nice body, and you really hope she appreciates that, and understands she doesn't need nice clothes to be a good person. Or a good wife. Or a good lay. Because she's all of those things and she's also really really hot.
After all, last night was a reminder of that. You didn't even have to look at her directly to appreciate how physically satisfying she was. The two of you had a short moment and decided to sleep soon after. One and done, so to speak. Heh, one was enough.
FilenameMeryl's bemused expression snaps you back to reality. <span class="mu-b">"So... You seem pretty caught up in thought."</span> Shit, she's got you in her sights. Excuse time, pronto!
<span class="mu-g">I was just thinking that this is a good time to make a break for it.</span> She looks at you more closely. Alice wants to go her own way, and you want to go somewhere with your beloved wife. <span class="mu-b">"And you started caring about what Alice thought when?"</span> Your sister seethes impotently in the background, snooping in while the adults play, but you quickly respond. <span class="mu-g">I care when it's to the direct benefit of my wife. Little Sis is secondary. Maybe tertiary.</span> Alice not-so-covertly flips you the bird, only to get her ear snagged by an observant mother hen. As Mom lays into the Woodsman problem child, that becomes your signal to go. <span class="mu-b">"Alice, you are our MVP,"</span> Meryl declares, and agrees to your hasty plan.
Get-out-of-jail-free-card acquired, you book it to the mall after returning your clubs. Mom is going to throw a fit, but she'll just have to live with it. This is the mall Alice usually goes to anyway, Scoville is too small to have a dedicated mall. The bustle does provide a small shield from Meryl's mom, who obviously doesn't like the idea of tightly contained spaces.
Meryl passes by a few jewelry stores, unsatisfied with what she sees. "I wonder if it's even worthwhile buying from these malls. Just a simple golden ring will do, but they'll want to put their fanciest and most expensive stuff in the window." Yup. You wonder if there's a local jeweler, or if that's something that Scoville shops out for. A Hispanic man passes by carrying a variety of cooking tools. It would have been entirely unremarkable had he not carefully stacked several boxes on top of each other, deftly carrying a tower taller than himself that threatens to tip at all times. Meryl looks at him, looks at you, and then the two of you move along.