>>5444035Right before the droplets reach their zenith, Xil’s horse has leaped from the wooden platform onto the floating debris nearby the gold adorned serpent.
As soon as she got past that splash, her horse decelerates and time moves normally for her again.
Her back is showered by water somehow, but she doesn’t bother to look back.
She ends up next to the serpent, with Guang jumping and galloping across old wooden boards before the weight makes them sink in order to keep up with the first serpent.
She could hear something ripping through wind and sounds of hooves behind her.
Somehow, those other racers were barely affected by that splash.
There’s nothing saying that she cannot slow down other racers.
She draws her wheellock pistol and powers up the gravity magic on the barrel. The purple glint of the sigils near the wheel indicates it’s primed.
She turns around and take a look at the other contestants, looking for the other horse riders.
She sees a human that is close to catching up to her, and fires the pistol at the wooden debris he will be jumping to next.
Purple mist gets produced from the barrel, and the gun sends out a burst of decently powerful wind towards the floating wooden platforms. Without a shot loaded, it won’t have the distance nor penetration of a bullet, but it will serve as a means to knock things away.
Not so fast!
A goblin with mechanical wings plays a tune from his flute which briefly causes everyone to fall unconscious. It’s only a moment, but the shot is redirected away from the wooden debris.
Since the serpents are under the water, they aren’t really affected by it.
That goblin is really pushing the limits on the rule.
Before the human rider could retaliate, the undecorated serpent dive into the crevices of the sea while the gold adorned one jumps towards the trails of deactivated lotuses on the water’s surface. They’ll reach the same destination, that being the gigantic lotus in the ocean, but what path should Xil take?
>>Follow the undecorated serpent into the seaWith her gravity enchanted guns, she can propel herself just fine under the water.
Only problem is the environment.
She’ll need to be observant.
>>Follow the gold adorned serpent on the trails of lotusesShe’ll have to contend with a lot of other racers who won’t hesitate to slow her down.
Quick thinking and tricks will keep her in the race.