>>5130776>>5130787>>5130789>>5130792>>5130797"I sure hope I can do something as cool as that. I doubt anyone would have believed you if Charlotte wasn't there." You congratulate your teacher, albeit backhandedly so.
"Heh, You're not that far off, kid. Give it a few years and maybe you can try something similar." Gallahad playfully implies you can have a moment of glory for yourself, but given how the last time you fought went, your fights will be anything but regular if your pattern is anything to go by.
"Can you tell me anything about the other Royal Knights? What did the others do on their pilgrimage?"
"I don't think any of them went as ax-crazy with their feats as me. Although there is one warrior who no doubt could take me down in my prime. Do you know about Locus, The Moonlight Knight?"
"The mightiest knight of Midland? You've met him personally?" You're surprised to hear that the King has even the unbeatable knight of the kingdom under his feet.
"Only once, I had to lead him to the swamp of the occultists to see if he could fight the last of the Silver Eyed Clan. He's a man that never lost a single battle in his lifetime, so I thought it would be an honor to see him fight a demonic creature like the one on the swamp, but can you believe me that he looked at me dead in the eye when we arrived there, and told me that he wouldn't fight the occultist?"
"This is not my fight to win. The sorcerer that lies within this forest is waiting for her own knight to fight. We must not interfere in her ritual, or their fated encounters." Gallahad repeats word for word what Locus told him, before he abandoned the lumberjack to fight for another master.
"So he just left without even trying to fight? That's disappointing..."
"If you ask me, he was probably scared of losing a fight too big for him, damn coward. I've seen what those cursed occultists do, but if the king tells you to take care of them, the least you could do is try to enter the swamp."