>>5691515>Art: Lawrence Wu & Andrew Baker>Alt-Text: A four-armed warrior wielding four swords, clad in golden armor including a face mask, headdress, and neck rings.Crewmember: Makana! The Guild is here!
“What? What the... Fuck!”
You follow the line of sad sacks carrying ...sacks until you’re back at the river clearing. What you see makes your jaw drop.
You've met your share of wealthy traders back home and the Garden Guild clearly had wealth, but these guys, they ARE wealth.
The boats are loaded with so much jewelry they can barely float.
The Guildmatser’s robe is so ornate and pristine they look like they’re about to take a dip in the hot spring.
They’ve been sailing down muddy water for who knows how long and they look PRISTINE. They're just lounging in the canoe like they’re the most fuckable person on the planet, and here, they might be.
And next to them, the Deathmaster. Three anana tall, muscles on muscles, and four huge arms carrying four huger blades.
They wear a mask that burns the sunlight right into your eyes, but you don't need to see their face to know. This is a living weapon.
“6, a friend of your- Holy shit are you... nervous?"
6 Knife: 4 Blade. So-called because...
“Yeah, I think that part’s fucking obvious.”
6 Knife: No. Of all the Servants of Peace, me? The Sixth greatest knife. Him? The Fourth Greatest Blade.
“They’re not even talking. Like just standing there is a demand.”
Ōra walks past you, hands heavy under twice as many bags as yesterday.
Ōra: The Guild with water, the Guild with power.
And what power do you have? Six ipus of Dreamdoor, even one is worth a fortune here. You have a crew of five warriors if a scrap happens.
Though you can’t guarantee what 6 would do. And the villagers, Ōra is probably ready to go, but for the rest you may as well be rolling the u-lu.
>Offer to make a deal with the Fountain Guild>Tell the Guild they aren’t getting any payment>Let the farmers pay the Guild.