Quoted By:
RECON GUARD (rising consternation)
- Shut up! Shut up and take a look at this. These secure CRM-114 communications of ours have been acting up recently. You see they are preprogrammed for security. There is only a set number of commands, they apparently cannot be altered or even tampered with physically. But my headset display is really strange. The preset command, PROTECT HVT, has just changed to ELIMINATE HVT. So are we supposed to protect or take out whoever is boarding this shuttle? I feel like... this difference probably matters?!
- So... just call back to base, ask HQ to reconfirm. Get them to retransmit and verify that the orders have changed.
- But that is precisely the problem! These incredibly secure tamper resistant CRM-114 communications are all one-way! They just broadcast orders and directives, there is no means to communicate back!
HEAVY ARMOUR GUARD (with sigh of resignation)
- Well the orders are probably correct then. At least this should be fast and easy - (he racks his gun, electronic whine of energising submunitions)
>There is undoubtedly defense systems data on the Vandenberg shuttle. You should move to the stardock position below and investigate
>Did your cyberninja even bring any weapons? Maybe the situation is far too dangerous... this is probably your last chance to pilfer the STAR DATA from Clara the researcher in the cantina, right now... act fast and hopefully whatever chaos is about to be unleashed below might cover your escape.
>something else...?
QM: after all of these choices, I will end this turn and show you the various conclusions! I will also provide a faction goal / progress summary, show results of various research programs and upgrades etc. Thank you!