Quoted By:
>”…while fighting the toys you are putting innocents at risk. I know at least some of you gotta have family and friends…”
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">I get it, but out here? I mean, I know I don’t talk for everyone, but; most of you have family, right?</span>
◄ <span class="mu-s">Salome</span>: <span class="mu-i">We are one big family desuwaa!</span>
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">Yeah but I’m talking like, blood-related. No wait that doesn’t matter, I’m talking about normal people. The non-magical and weak.</span>
The agreement is felt and seen in many ways, even if not everyone speaks it aloud. The instant shift in mood affects everyone but Salome- and Erika. The tall blonde’s family is well away from Buenos Aires, and most of her ‘friends’ dread her. As for Jimena? She thinks of Ambosnye and her Dad, and the black people she left behind to run.
ᕙ <span class="mu-s">Jimena</span>: <span class="mu-i">They are in danger. All of them. If we get close to them, they could be attacked.</span>
>>(Charisma Roll:17+10-10+10 = 27)
Someone raises a hand. It’s Petra Gurin, a Magical Girl that looks like a harmless penguin. She’s hard to spot among the crowd, but Erika snipes her and points at her.
■-■ <span class="mu-s">Erika</span>: <span class="mu-i">Speak.</span>
After a second of confusion, they all turn to Petra. Who cowers.
◄ <span class="mu-s">Petra</span>: <span class="mu-i">So, what I wanted to say was… the flying thingies won't hurt them if we are far?</span>
…The only reason Jimena and Erika don’t trade glances through gritted teeth is that half of the West is looking right at them. As Jimena digs her brain for an answer, the short brunette’s sleep deprivation is making itself felt more than ever.
>>ᕙ (M5 Charisma ღ Roll: 27 = Magnitude 4 Failure)<< (Convince the Magical Girls of the West to enter the Violet Tower.)
>>■-■ (M1 Charisma ღ Roll: 93 + 1 = Out of reach?)<< (Convince the Magical Girls of the West to enter the Violet Tower.)