Alright, after a lot of math on my end, this is about as close as I can get it. It might not be perfect but it's good enough; things get funky when I'm moving specific amounts of species and such, but it's fine. I also went ahead and took a moment to correct a fisherman amount in Sylvia; as they are not located along a river, lake or ocean, the amount of fisherman was reduced and added onto farmers/hunters. Fisherman can exist in such a region, they are just more spread out, or travel distances to fish, or confine themselves to small ponds too small to show up on a map of this scale.
Anyway, now that we have finished purchasing things, we can move onto the Player Actions for the age.
Our current population size allows for four player actions per age. As a general reminder, an action is purely of our initiative; it can consist of anything within the scope of what is currently technologically and reasonably possible. Several examples in
>>5939365 were directly inspired by actions taken in the past by both our civilization and those of other players.
Note that one settlement action can create up to three new settlements.
So, what will our four actions for this age be?