>>5426590“You will destroy this ghoul who meddles with sacred death,” the Emperor of Entropy commands. “You shall undo the damage which Hapo the Kobold’s escape wrought to reality, when you let him attain his forbidden knowledge. Then, your debt will be paid. Anything more… Incurs further debt.”
“Yes, my lord,” you murmur, bowing low, almost flattening yourself.
And yet…
>No, this is fine—accept his lack-of-blessing, and the possible release from your debt, and ask nothing more of this most terrible and mysterious divine>Offer to resanctify the funeral-caves of the elves in DEATH’S name, in DEATH’S faith, and to induct a special priesthood among the Drow if he will aid you [high DC, low consequences (but not none) for failure]>Suggest a sacrifice most dear to you—one of your own soon-to-hatch children, the life which you created—if Death will bless your expedition [guaranteed success, consequences????]>This is wrong—Death asks TWO favour to relieve ONE debt! Protest, proudly and fiercely, king-to-king! [intimidation check, DC 20, BIG consequences for failure]>Just straight up invoke your mother's one-time <DIVINE FAVOUR>, thus guaranteeing Death's help and ending your debt... Though you will never, ever again be able to invoke this right[LOCKED OPTION: you CANNOT offer to become a Death Knight, and forsake or slay all your offspring, because you have chosen LOVE too many times]
>Write-In [make it clever, or invoke divine fury and disfavour!]