>>5646534>I think Jimena can tank a shot, but I don't know about Erika.well she's got that shield, but ye. a guca won't die from your everyday ghetto gun, maybe not even from a shotgun blast unless it hits their little gem dead center- but boy was it gonna hurt
>Oh, this sounds familiar. I swear if Helen ever finds this girl and learns of her power, she will be recruited by hook or by crook into scamming all of Buenos Aires, both magical and normal.she would have to join the westsiders and learn the art of chill and hitting blunts with anyone, but ye
>For a frame of reference, what grades/education levels are all the girls in right now? I'm a bit morbidly curious if Helen would even know how to divide.■-■: skipped a year, last year in highschool. even without omniscience shes a walking library of facts. grade 12
▲: last year in highschool. bretty smart, but waay too abstract. has a hard time explaining what she knows. grade 12
凸: first year in middle school. street smart. hates school with a burning passion, so she learned a fuckton of origami. grade 6
ರೃ: one year behind emma&erika. hardly ever not at the top of her class, but it's all memory and it vanishes at the end of the exam. grade 11
ᕙ: sleeps in class. lost a year out only drawing african people smiling in every exam. bad memory. genuinely intelligent in the most conventional way. grade 10
Ƹ>: smarter than rita. grade 4
>Bit sad Helen only got a few moments of screen time, but that's understandable considering where the focus was needed.oh no, i was perfectly willing to have her rolling with the rest- if she hadn't almost outright exploded out of the bat. but oh well, at least she's with Weird Eyes, a mythical meguca that has been common hearsay for a while. maybe that counts for something
>Take all the time you need, QM. Certainly don't want that to come and pass.me neither, but let me be a morbidly honest: a part of me does wonder how cats would taste like. ill try to never find out
>>5646571>I'm cool, the new format is definitely an improvementyay
>>5646572>you could always make a quest Twitter to give updates on if you felt like it!that will just let me attention whore without having to at least post a thread. you'll want me starving until then
>Anyways can't wait to die horribly with y'all next threadlook forward to it!