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You wake up again, pain all over your body from muscle spasm fatigue and nerve re-arming, having been drooling face down on the mattress, splayed out. You have ugly tears and your nose is dripping and your eyes are red, but you're alive, and that's good enough for you. Purged of the past, you wash yourself off in the sink just to make sure that you'll be able to see clearly moving forward. Besides, making a good impression to the bus drivers is important. You check the watch, because your vision HUD no longer works: <span class="mu-s">22:09.</span> Nice.
Presumably the same day, because a stray bullet digs into your roll-down window and the sound of an explosion in the distance mildly shakes the ground. Apparently taking a dream quest doesn't take too long. You're glad, though: At least the fallout from frying your augment wasn't too bad. Everything hurts from the over-use and realignment of all of your nerves, but as far as you can tell, the electronics collapsed on themselves given their damage, but left a circuit for your nerves to run through and allow you to use your body.
You pack your bag with everything in the world you care about and leave the rest behind. It's one backpack, the one you use for laundry. The door attempts to stay locked, but you just throw the breaker and the magnetic door unlocks by default. Good, otherwise you were going to have to pry the window open. You didn't need anything but what you could carry anyway- let their food rot.
There are a couple of flipped taxis, abandoned vehicles, and still-active police drones. Incredibly, one of the taxis is still running: It's an independent, meaning the auto-driver won't return it to the dispatch. That guy's loss could be your gain. Fifty minutes of idling is a lot, but there might be some gas in there: If you want to ditch it for the bus, you just need about two minutes: A mile and a half, or a bit further. Going on foot will attract less attention, but... A car is a car. Maybe you don't need the bus, if the taxi is independent. It could go anywhere.
>>Hail a ride?
>You'll go it on foot. You don't want your nerves suddenly seizing up behind the wheel.
>The car is faster, you're exhausted, and that two-minute window is a tiny risk in comparison to stumbling over for almost half an hour in your state.
>A free car... You can go anywhere. Fuck the bus, you're keeping that.
>...Are the terrorists taking applications?