Quoted By:
You walked along the bushes and reeds; you hoped that there were no birds hiding within them, for if they saw them, you would have a problem. You eventually came upon a sandy bank, plain, and in the open with no rocks, trees, or other obstacles in the way. The ford was a good spot to cross as well, as it would be a short march across to the enemy.
<span class="mu-i"> ''Look, the other side has a sandy bank as well; hopefully enough of the stuff has been slipped up here to make it worthwhile. Remember, if the water reaches our waist we should dismount our horses; if it reaches to our elbows we might as well swim. Try to find the edges or any holes in the ford; we might be able to recover from them, but our horses might stumble if we attempt to cross on them. '' </span> The man who gave you the stick said.
<span class="mu-i"> ''Let's start prodding.'' </span>
You felt the cool river water seep through your armour as you went deeper into the river. From your feet to your ankles and further up, but fortunately, it never went any further than your knees before you started to emerge from the water on the other side. You forded it back across to the other side to discuss the next steps.
<span class="mu-i"> ''Any potholes in the ford? No? Good.'' </span> You said, as the men also came back on land.
<span class="mu-i"> ''I've got an idea; do any of you have any rope with you, preferably a few metres? We could use those sticks as poles, and then we can use the rope to mark the perimeter of the ford.'' </span>
<span class="mu-i"> ''Hmm, well, I suppose it would help. Give me a few minutes. I'm going to fetch some rope from my horse.'' </span> The knight returns a short while later with two rolls of brown braided rope, while the rest of you were busy making securing the sticks in the ground. You then made a few knots and stretched to make it remain straight.
<span class="mu-i"> ''Well then, I believe our work is done here. Let's see if it's a good alternative for the bridge.'' </span>
By the time you had returned in full force to the river, the sun had fully emerged from behind the mountains, but your appearance in full force doesn't seem to have alerted the Mizarians all that much. But that is something that's about change
Who should be sent over the fording first?
>Send in the cavarly first.
>Have the infatry march across