Quoted By:
>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +5 Education and Happiness.
The Provatic people's primary use for this ink is the creation of art. Once a strip of bark has been peeled off from a birch tree, it can be used as a medium for drawing pictures. To begin with, our tribe just scrawls simple and meaningless images for their own amusement but this practice quickly evolves into something more. Storytellers no longer have to rely solely on their memories when their tales can be recorded using pictographs, and primitive picture puzzles are developed as a means of challenging the minds of children.
With the passage of time, our tribe shall come up with all sorts of uses for these birch bark scrolls and the ink that is used to draw on them. But right now, they serve as little more than a source of amusement and a mnemonic method of recording information.
A generation passes.
Over two thirds of our tribe have consider themselves Protavic these days. They test each other with riddles and rebuses, they display their affection for each other by exchanging gifts and they mourn the loss of their loved ones by drinking sacred mead over their graves. Those who reject this lifestyle make up a shrinking minority of the clan and there is no doubt that they will soon disappear entirely, thanks to a combination of social pressure and emigration. Many of our tribesmen have a hard time imagining that there was ever a war at all.
But once more, war has come to the shores of the Croglatol.
On an overcast summer's day, an envoy clad in sealskins to speak with the leaders of our tribe. Once the heads of the families have assembled, the emissary shares his message with them – the Toprocravic are going to conquer and claim the Pracruvic as their own, land and people alike. If the Protavic people value the peace that they share with their seal-clubbing neighbours, then they will not involve themselves in the coming conflict. Our tribe are being asked – or warned – to stay out of this.
Our tribe could <span class="mu-s">comply with the wishes of the Toprocravic</span>. There is no need for the Protavic to get involved.
Our tribe could <span class="mu-s">demand that the sealskins abandon this plan</span>. If they go through with this, the beast-bringers will punish them.
Our tribe could <span class="mu-s">use this as an opportunity to conquer the sealskins</span>. While they are occupied with the smoke people, they will be vulnerable.
Our tribe could <span class="mu-s">send in the blood-drinkers to help the Toprocravic</span>. Surely they would appreciate their help during this conquest.
Our tribe could <span class="mu-s">win back the favour of the sealskins with tribute</span>. By giving them gifts, the Protavic can befriend them once more.
>Comply with the wishes of the Toprocravic.
>Demand that the sealskins abandon this plan.
>Use this as an opportunity to conquer the sealskins.
>Send in the blood-drinkers to help the Toprocravic.
>Win back the favour of the sealskins with tribute.