>>6093830>To any old players who yet remain, welcome back. To new players, welcome to the quest and I'm glad to have you!This a soft reboot of a quest from years ago, where you begin in the stone age, as founder of a line of heroes that stretches throughout the history of your people. When, (not if) your current character dies, you continue as their child or sibling. It is a dangerous world and either through mishap, menace, misjudgment, malaise or simple old age, you <span class="mu-i">will</span> eventually pass away, but the legacy you leave and the family you raise will survive beyond you, to destinies your stone-age founder cannot even dream of.
While those familiar with the old threads will find plenty here from the old days, this new era is designed for new players to be able to join too.
Archive of the old days
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Tide%20of%20AgesA player's guide for new and old