>>5894834The humble shipyard is one of the most important pillars upon which inter-system travel is possible. Larger ships benefit from being built in zero-G environments while smaller ships can still be built on the planet. The Adeline dock and shipyard exists in a fifty-fifty split between the royal house of Adeline and the famed Kuat Drive Yards. The most famous shipbuilder of the day, and a favoured purveyor of Imperial star destroyers to the navy. Though by contrast, the main ships rolling out from the Adeline yards are mostly lighter cruisers like the Tartan. Because of its proximity to the Onderon naval ordnance centre however. The Empire has made certain that the yards can, if necessary. Retrofit larger ships like the victory-class and Interdictor-class
During the clone wars, a by now largely forgotten conflict between some rogue former Jedi and the republic. Though thanks to your uncensored royal archives you have a far better reference than the average man on the streets. It was a conflict primarily between embittered Outer Rim worlds and Megacorporations (Which, ironically included KDY's parent company. The Techno Union) and the republican loyalist core. During these three years of strive Onderon chose for the CIS while Adeline remained loyal to the Republic. Needing a repair and supply base nearby your father had the senators successfully lobby for Adeline to be the location for such a base. As the war progressed it became even larger and by now it has escaped its humble beginnings as a supply base.
It was not all good news however, as the Republic shed its shell to become the Empire, the new order demanded the loyalty of both the people and the economy, some companies managed to avoid a complete nationalisation by tying their fate to the Empire, others were not so lucky.
The Empire has also brought in its own task fleet and garrison alongside the planetary security force. In case the locals might get any ideas, and to protect vital infrastructure from terrorists and rebels. Perhaps the most annoying part is the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR) Considered by many Adeline nobles to by a subversive influence upon the youth. Yet dissenting noblemen and other protestors seem to ''disappear'' every now and then. They aren't allowed to talk about it but the head of the local police force has confided in you that the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) on occasion demands acces to the police and administrative databanks.