>>6199205Mike looks towards your group.
<span class="mu-i">"Joonda. The Ramparts back below and has been for almost 5 minutes."</span>
<span class="mu-b">"Sounds like our cue, boss."</span>
Rinstocks words echo in your head as she clicks over to you.
<span class="mu-b">"Timing isn't perfect but let's not be any later than we have to be."</span>
Rinstock gives you a small affectionate headbutt in the side.
Everton clambers onto Citizen and does a whistle to wake him up. He thunders to life.
Highball sits behind Everton and wraps her arms around her midsection and does a few test leans.
Everton looks over her shoulder at Highball.
<span class="mu-i">"You rode pillion on a redrink before there?"</span>
Highball beams
<span class="mu-g">"Yup. Was doing knock over jobs until earlier this year."</span>
Everton lets out a braying, wheezing laugh that almost dies in her throat.
<span class="mu-i">"Think I'm gonna like you, green stuff. Hang on - I say- hang on to your hotpants." </span>
Citizen crackles with lightning and springs over the side of the boat.
You climb onto Rinkstock and follow suit.
<span class="mu-b">"Just you and me for about 40 minutes, heffe. Anything on your mind?"</span>