((Sorry this took so long, my mind was unquiet))
You draw your blade as does Mid Boss. There was no further need for words or emotion. You quiet your mind and focus on destroying your enemy. Battle was a simple equation now. Your swords clash, your mind processing move and counter move while your blade follows.
You were easily the best swordsman in the three dukedoms, Falkners were the best warriors and even among them you were the best, no one could best you; not Tyrol, not Varkas, not Althea… Mid Boss was your equal. Every exchange that would force an opening on a lesser opponent ended in a stalemate. This was frustrating. More so was that Mid Boss seemed to take joy in thwarting your victory even though he fared no better himself.
[Edge]: “Fucker’s toying with us”
[Hackerman]: “No… we’re on his level, but it’s almost like he doesn’t care whether he wins or loses.”
Finally he makes a mistake, you seize the opening and disarm him.
Mid Boss defty steps into your guard. Oh shit, performing the disarm had put your blade out of position and you couldn’t step back quickly enough to bring it to bear. You’d made the rookie mistake of thinking this was purely a <span class="mu-i">sword</span> fight. Before you knew it Mid Boss had rammed his thumb into your eye and you were staggering backwards in pain. Without hesitation he drew his knife and stabbed you in the throat.
Mid Boss let out a sigh of relief as you crumpled to the floor, half blind and choking on your own blood. “You’re pretty good Nero, didn’t even leave any room for banter, but at the end of the day I guess I’m one of those boss fights you’re supposed to lose.”
[(Muh)Autism]: “How does he know about video game tropes from our wo-”
[Dragon]: “FUUUUUUCK YOU!”
A column of flame erupts from your body as the Dragon begins to manifest. Mid Boss steps back seemingly unfazed. “So he did have a shard after all, I suppose it was obvious. Oh well, have fun hitting yourself.”
[Dragon]:”FUCK BOTH OF YOU!”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=985jx7wcPE4Two columns of fire erupt from the centre of Mid Boss’s camp incinerating the main tent and everything within a 20 meter radius. When the flames subsided two monstrous smouldering demons stood facing each other… and then they attacked.
>You are now engaged in a fight between god shards. These fights are gratuitous and gimmicky. In order to win you must complete quick-err… slow time events.>Quick! Mash square more than d100 times within the next two hours to win the clash!