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“Oy! You the thief?” Muffin called out. The woman flinched as if struck, then hissed back.
“Shut up! Get over here and let’s get this done! And fuck! Lower your voice!”
“Yeah, yeah. You are the thief right? Name’s Rags, you?”
The dagger clad woman stared at Muffin. “You’re fucking kidding me. We don’t do-”
Muffin leered back and cut her off, voice deadening. “No, you’re fucking kidding me. I’ve got a lot of money riding on this meetup, and I want a name so that if you fuck me over I can find you, drag you to the Mother’s bed, and fuck you back.”
The whistle is halfway to your mouth before the thief sags visible. “Maria. It’s fucking Maria you crazy bitch.” You lower the whistle.
“See, that wasn’t hard. What’s the soup?”
The thief pauses for a moment, giving Muffin a hard look, then shakes her head. She kneels and spreads out the black cloth, revealing a spread of gold and glittering gems, shining even in the dim light. Even without magic sight a few of the items are obviously magical, with smaller pieces hovering or spinning and gems glowing with an internal light. Muffin peers for a second, then rolls her eyes and pulls out the monocle as an afterthought, looking through the pieces. She squats on her heels and starts adjusting the items, moving them into two separate groups.
“Mr. C finally found someone with the sight huh. Didn’t expect a beggar though.”
Muffin grunts and points at the smaller group of items. “I’ll take those, but the rest is junk.”
The woman balks. “What? The deal was to take it all. I worked hard for some of this shit.”
Muffin snorts. “You’ve been fucked hard then. I’ve got my orders, only the magic shit. And that,” She gestures at the larger pile. “Is just shit.”
Maria scowls, chewing on her lip, then sighs. “Fine. I can shift it somewhere else I guess. Tell Mr. C I want to talk though. He knows fakes are part of the cost of doing business.”
A dozen armed guards suddenly appears in the section of your domain stretching down the sewer tunnel, moving fast, weapons in hand. Swords in the front, crossbows in the back. You’ve got a handful of seconds before they hit the traps.
> Blow the whistle, get Katrina in there
> Send in your minions, get Muffin some cover and distractions
> Move in yourself, you’re fast, strong, and very hard to kill
> The guards should make some noise when they hit the traps, trust Muffin to grab the goods and run like hell without any backup.
> Write in