Rolled 81, 22 + 20 = 123 (2d100 + 20)
>>5610834…that better help make the world recognize the US claim to Hyperborean, Herr Hate-Monger.
>>5610847….you help me get Greenland and Iceland from the Europeans, and you upgrade to Treasury Undersecretary.
You get shit done, and I want to recognize that.
>>5610855>Fold them under the Department of the Treasury. It will handle all the banking from now on, but keep them separate for competition purposes. Maybe you’ll even de-nationalise them later.Cowabunga
>>5610866>Expand your effective line of control by constructing stations and bases. You must go patiently if this is to work.I’m going to talk to our Canadian… ally, talk them about giving NORAD (ie the US) de facto control of their claims. See if they can see reason (backed by American hardware on their border).