>>5319176You don your cloak and breeches, leaving your armour to be worked upon by some kobold smiths in their crude forge. It is in dire need of cleaning, and the chestplate needs to be hammered out. While they are attending to that, you summon the Bastard, and have HIM collect a small collection of elder kobolds, and those who seem to have authority or respect in their community.
When they are brought before you, you can see that these assembled reptiloids are nervous. They keep their heads low, eyes averted from you, and fidget ceaselessly. They expect punishment, admonishment, maybe execution. Among them, after all, is the one who the Bastard tells you spoke out against you in your absence. However, that is not what they get:
“I understand there has been… Some discomfort, with my coming here.”
The kobolds prostrate themselves, one after another, murmuring apologies.
“Stand,” you command with a sigh, and they do.
“I am here to usher in a new era,” you explain. “An Age of Scales. An age of the Dark Gods. DO you understand?”
The Kobolds looks to one another, then all speak up in the affirmative. You don’t know that you believe them; their confusion is palpable.
“You are scaly-folk, too… Even if you are kobolds, it does not mean that you are not a part of this coming vision of glory. Your concerns are our concerns; your ambitions, our ambitions.”
The kobolds look up at you, too mystified to be afraid or deferential. They cannot entirely comprehend what you re saying, you sense.
“I want to hold a ceremony, in honour of our SHARED victories, and in honour of the Dark Gods Below and Beyond,” you say, “and I want your input on this matter, and on other matters moving forward. To that end, I will be holding consultations. I ALSO desire nominees for kobolds to join my retinue.”
It’s the Bastard’s turn to look incredulous… But he shrugs, and does not question you. It is such policy that got HIM his vaunted place, among your expeditionary forces, after all.