Previous threads:
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Gnoll%20QuestTwitter (for announcements):
https://twitter.com/gnollqmWelcome to Gnoll Quest #8. This thread is aimed to be more freeroam than the previous ones. If you played Lioncat Quest, it should be something similar to that. There may be some adjustments to mechanics in the course of this thread, but hopefully things go well enough that it’s not needed.
By the way, some of you probably read at the QTG and Twitter that I’d try turning this quest into comic strips. Well, that was a bad idea in retrospect. The update time would go up exponentially, not really worth it, so I'm gonna have to stick to the traditional format. Sorry in case any of you were interested in seeing that style.