Quoted By:
She feels it coming back, gasping, sweating. It wasn’t depression: it was peace. Crawling back from the depths come the old shackles, the old debts, to sink their teeth in her. Crying, Emma is yet proud of herself. For her family, she gave up the oasis.
But then the worries come back too and she is dashing to Romina before the fear hits. It’s only when she turns around that Emma discovers that an interesting chunk of her family is staring at the picture made of ketchup, onions sauce, and spaghetti drawn on her pajamas
and the splinters on the floor.
<span class="mu-s">Mom</span>: <span class="mu-i">Did you do that?</span>
…Her tongue tied, Emma pants in dismay when she sees it. The Red Toy, capable of emotional manipulation, is still standing on her mother’s shoulder, as the peaceful giant takes big steps toward her.
<span class="mu-s">Uncle Pedro</span>: <span class="mu-i">No? Чтo? Heт! It’s the syrnyk!</span>
<span class="mu-s">Aunt Marta</span>: <span class="mu-i">I saw it too, it must be poisoned! Эммa, what are you doing?</span>
<span class="mu-s">Mom</span>: <span class="mu-i">Answer.</span>
<span class="mu-s">Aunt Marta</span>: <span class="mu-i">This is the worst time to jump to conclusions! Кaкoй пoзop! Help me take Pedro!</span>
<span class="mu-s">Mom</span>: <span class="mu-i">So you are not saying no.</span>
Emma is frozen.
<span class="mu-s">Mom</span>: <span class="mu-i">Эммa</span>.
Only one look and Emma knows that there will be no dialogue. Buried in her mother’s shadow, as usual, the skinny girl is stuck convincing herself that the rejection in those eyes is pure magic.
And then she feels the pink and white rising behind her.
And then she hears the Black Knight at the window..
And then she sees the Green Jester on Clara.
Four, five-
six of them.
Emma is surrounded by her mother and six Toys
and a steel pipe, long as her arm, that the workers fixing the bathroom left yesterday.