>>6168106[Yes, the last digits are the ones I mean, so 5th from the end to 1st, or the last digit. <= is as close as I could figure to doing "less than or equal to"]
[My 5th+4th was 6+8, so you are hunted by the gang for the entire game]
[8+0, you're a casual drug abuser, currently intoxicated, and can quit if you choose]
[0+7, you're not a psychotic]
[7+9=16, so you've got a box full of drugs.]
>those crystals are not sea salt, I take it. You cook it yourself or you get it somewhere?PLOT POINT
[You get to choose your story arc, since you're going to be hunted anyway.]
Did you
>cook the drugs [chemistry knowledge, lets you turn 9 rolls into gunpowder and drugs]OR
>steal the drugs [+1 searching and loot range]>You've got at least (6) doses. I'm a buyer. It's worth 6 heads. You need shoes? Clothes? There's work to do if you're up to it.The Merchant points to a chalk board of work
>wood cutter>oil worker>scrap sorting>messenger service>tool retrieval>Missing persons>road clearing>vehicle retrievalAnd beside these jobs, another list
>DEMAND ITEMS:>Canned food>base metal coins>charcoal>wheelbarrows>shopping carts>soap>bleach>ammunition>seeds>kerosine>tools>Buying anything of Value>Rooms to LetYou can see wooden cookoo clock on the wall behind the merchant, a swinging pendulum carved in the shape of a berry cluster. It is 6:40
Another explosion sounds in the night, some distance from the entrance.
Two of the others in line are discussing lightbulbs and shoe laces. The line chatters with ideas and gossip
>they need twenty of these changed a week, the rate they're going. I can't convince him to swap over to lanterns. He says it's too expensive for him to carry the overhead, and not enough coming in to roll the expenses into the trades.>What's the angle on this place? What's it all about?>I'm done til February. Those peach pies are calling me.You have 5 actions [use > to demonstrate your choice, and feel free to embelish or come up with your own ideas]
>trade the drugs>ask about a job>buy something>talk to the others in line>ask about gossip>ask about a room>go exploring outside the facility>go hunting for ghouls>use a dose of drugs (may cause addiction)>turn around and leave with your stuff>your idea