>>6175746You’d not just seen a wyvern before, but you’d actually ridden one. Wyverns were flying lizard-like creatures, often populous in the more mountainous regions of Fodlan. Rusalka actually had quite a few wyvern nests nestled within its borders. Wyvern riders were soldiers who went into battle atop such creatures, and were considered some of the deadliest warriors around. Your father had been one of the most famous wyvern riders of his era, and for a time, you thought you’d follow in his footsteps atop such a beast. The only problem was that the creatures seemed to have an innate disliking of you.
It wasn’t actually your fault. For whatever reason, wyverns and magic mixed about as well as oil and water. If a wyvern sensed a whiff of magic from its rider, it would buck and thrash and try to send the poor sap crashing down to the ground. This was a fact you’d learned during your first joyride attempt, when you’d stolen a wyvern from Castle Rusalka’s grounds. You’d been lucky to land in a pile of hay when the beast had thrown you off. You’d never forget the look of horror on Bronte’s face, nor the scolding you’d received from your mother and aunt.
You’d heard that there did exist certain types of wyverns that were more magically acclimated. These wyverns did not share the same prejudice that the rest of their kin did, and could be ridden by someone like you just fine. However, they were exceedingly rare, and would cost a fortune that you could hardly justify. Morfis was a land of magical means though, and contained many peculiar oddities that were alien to Fodlan. Perhaps you could find such a suitable beast in Hima?
>“So, what’s the deal with this place anyway?”“It’s the next step in our route to Morfis.” Alvin says. “Hima is a town nestled in the mountains, overseen by a clan of wyvern riders known as the Scorchers. They’re something between a militia force and a carrier service. Because wyvern riders are capable of flying over the desert, they are immune to many of its perils, and can serve as excellent messengers or travel guides. The Scorchers take it a step further by also patrolling the desert. They rescue those lost in the wastes, as well as do battle with all manner of enemies, ranging from cultists to bandits and even sometimes Terrors.”
>“They sound like real upstanding citizens. Is there any chance they have wyverns that a magic user like myself could ride?”“Even if they did, I wouldn’t expect them to part with one.” Alvin grimaces, catching onto your point. “Beasts like that are exceptionally rare. Besides, the Scorchers are extremely territorial with their wyverns. They don’t view them as mere steeds to be ridden, but as extensions of themselves. If a Scorcher had to choose between himself and his wyvern, you could bet the wyvern would win nine times out of ten.”