>>6170930“Not technology, at least this time. People. Doctor, I'd like you to meet two of my daughters. Okira, who you've already been speaking with. And Caulifla.” you say, gesturing to each of your children in turn. “They were the ones to repair the damage and help as many people as we could here.”
“Doctor.” Okira nods, Gero nodding back to her, then he turns his focus on Caulifla. Looking up and up her, getting to her face.
“Hello, Doctor. Yes, I'm Caulifla. The one responsible for healing your people.” she says, and surprisingly giving him a proper Saiyan salute. “I'm sorry for the loss of those I couldn't save.”
“Do not be sorry, girl. You saved dozens of lives, just that I personally witnessed. The Red Ribbon Army is in your debt.” he tells her, then turns back to Okira who is still laying on the ground, resting propped up against something you can't quite make out. “And yours as well, presuming you are the one who saved us millions in repairs?”
“We're the ones who fixed it.” she says, raising a hand and gesturing to her Stand, Imagine Dragon. Who nods its head, but Gero simply blinks once. Clearly not seeing it, your daughter understanding just a moment. “My Stand and I. It exists on a specific frequency only certain beings can see.”
“Scanning...” Gero says, you hearing something whrring and clicking beneath his large cylindrical hat, pale blue eyes shifting colors for a few seconds. “What's this? A dragon?”
“You can see me?” Imagine Dragon asks, sounding shocked. Okira also looks shocked, but from Gero's lack of reaction seems he still can't HEAR it. But the fact he can see it is still incredible. “Impressive. Tell him that's impressive.”
“Imagine Dragons says that if you can now see him, that's impressive.” your youngest says, Gero blinking again. Eyes returning to their normal pale, icy blue.
“If beings can physically exist on this spectrum, I shill have to update my security.” Gero says simply, then nods to her. “Thank you both for your efforts as well, the Red Ribbon Army thanks you.”
“You're welcome.” Okira replies, nodding. But then her eyes widen, reaching into her right glove. Pulling out a small capsule, holding it in the palm of her left hand. “Just a moment. You ready?”
“Ready.” replies Imagine Dragon, then as one they speak.
“<span class="mu-s">THE ONE CAPSULE IN OKIRA'S LEFT HAND BECOMES TWO</span>.” they say in perfect sync, the capsule splitting into a pair.
“WHAT?!” Gero exclaims in shock, taking a surprised step back as Okira then returns the one back into her sleeve, yawning before pushing herself up to her feet. “Duplication?”