>>6157615One more awry adjustment and surely it'll work this time. I'm not going to say 'promise' because you know I dislike lying to you.
>>6157621Just... relax into it. A few hours. Days. Okay he's hired us for another two weeks or "until I am done with the calibrations of the first node penetration test", which, well, let's hope he ... calibrates fast.
Just tough it out for a little more, Agent Octant. You'll be okay. Look, just watch another movie or something you have all of them.
>While we go through the motions of setting up the last few cameras, a very overburdened delivery man carrying several bags slums it out of the elevator and makes gradual progress towards the door. He struggles under the weight of:1x Egg Sandwich
1x Tuna Sandwich
1x Banana Carrot Sandwich
1x Club Sandwich
1x rather smokey Omelette and Ham Sandwich
1x Smoked brisket, the good stuff, with pickled onions
1x Watercress Sandwich. Guess someone is watching their figure.
Agent Vennsfield forgot to put in an order and as the tantalizing delivery of supplies wanders into the feeds shared by the cam network the gruelling height of that mistake gently makes itself known.
TS checks their monitoring systems and notes that Agent Vennsfield is displaying the classical signs of an acute blood sugar deprivation event.
>Agent Vennsfield, +12 Hunger--
While the last cameras get set up, perhaps someone should accept the delivery, pay the guy and tell him that his dance moves are a pretty good match for the SKETCH HEROES Super Idol Group. Go Go Ganbatte Gamblerrrroooo!
>Adjusting some tech--
Agents done planting tech and setting up systems can take a GENERAL ROUTINE ACTION, which may indeed include helping yourself to a delicious sandwich. Due to the ENORMOUSLY BORING NATURE OF THIS JOB SO FAR, you may need to engage in SOME KIND OF RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY to resist the onset of SHEER MUNDANITY.
( The inevitable onslaught of another 6 hours of Nothing Happening will dull even the sharpest of senses unless stimulated )