>>6062575Padding softly through the long grass, you look down into the river's placid waters. Staring back at you is a thing of horror, a feral beast with terrible fangs and a black coat matted with blood. Your eyes glow with an unholy light, a light born of true madness. You stare into the savage image for a long moment, but your mind rejects it. Your men, your loyal paladins, would never have followed a beast such as this!
“A man cannot defy the gods, but you are no longer a man,” the old man says with a funeral sigh. He rises from the river's bank and strolls from the grove's heart. You follow, driven by a compulsion greater than your will. Everywhere you walk, you see shredded flesh and mutilated bodies – each one, a man.
“They looked like beasts to you?” the old man muses, shaking his head with a contemptuous laugh, “You invite calamity into your soul, then shudder at the result? Enough. Go from this place, hound. Go out alone into the world of blood that you have created. There is nothing left for you to hunt.”
Reaching the edge of the grove, you peer out through the trees and look upon a world of black and red – a world of utter emptiness.
>This is your future now. This is your fate>He's wrong. There's one thing left to hunt