>>5624749>>5624751Palatine Shen's vehicles and Retributors surge forth and put paid to the Styrians. The remaining heavy weapon emplacements fight for their lives, gunning down a handful of Sisters before heavy flamers and Pyre shells bathe their positions in searing flame. The Styrian defenders scream, burn and die where they stand before the Exorcists aim a precise salvo of missiles at the remaining Leman Russ.
A flight of missiles screech skyward before arcing down, peppering the highway as several strike straight down into the battle tank's top armour and reduce the tank to a smouldering wreck, bursting and exploding open from inside.
Finally the storm of explosions and gunfire comes to a pause, giving way to the sounds of crackling flames and the pains of wounded sisters. Hospitallers rush from their covered positions to start administering aid and the Sororitas forces consolidate while keeping their sightlines guarded.
The enemy was well prepared for your offensive. Unusually well-prepared, and there are no reports of any other incursion meeting this kind of resistance upon arrival. Had it been Guardsmen that arrived here they likely would've been wiped out to the last man, but the Sisters of the Order of Bloody Tears are not so easy to stop.
Still the abundance of heavy weapons and fortified positions has caused heavy losses amongst your Commandery.
Please roll for losses
>3d20 + 18 Sisters>2d5 light vehicles>3 CastigatorsPlease roll, one person for Sisters, one for light vehicles.
The wounded are collected and those beyond help are administer the Emperor's Peace, and Canoness Malin regroups with her Palatines. "The source of the Styrian communications signal is to the north, Canoness." Shen explains, indicating on her tactical map of the level 60.
"Whatever it is, it must be of utmost importance for them to devote such defences." Palatine Rosaline adds, putting paid to any thoughts of withdrawal. You can't let this opportunity escape, whatever it may be.
Malin quickly identifies the options for her force.
The highway turns North and leads straight to the target, and is unarguably the swiftest route.
The city streets going East and then North are not as fast, and are flanked by high buildings, but would make it hard for the enemy to bring heavy forces to bear.
Going building-to-building through the dense urban environment would be slow, and your vehicles would need to use an alternative route. But the Styrians have little that could combat the Sisters in such close quarters short of collapsing the buildings themselves.
How do you proceed?
>Highway>Streets>Building-to-building (vehicles will need to choose another route)>Other?Again you can split your forces and take different routes with each.