Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 5, 5, 4, 10, 10 = 38 (6d10)
“Load AP, Enemy in the smoke, FIRE” just as the order was barked out over the radio, the guns of her platoon began to bark out one by one as their gunners picked hazy targets among the smoke.
“Platoon, Shift East into the forest. We cannot stay still!” Leaving their prepared positions stung, but hopefully it would sting less than being shelled.
Mumbling to herself through the mask filter as she stared out at the smoke to see what effect they had, Ingrid muttered a prayer her father had always loved.
“Oh Judge, may I wait no longer. Let my fate be known.” She rocked back as Berta reversed the Löwin-Siegel out of their position.
“Oh Judge, may I wait no longer. If am to be Sentenced, let me serve now.” To her right, the rest of the platoon began to do the same.
“Oh Judge, may I wait no longer. If I am to Ascend, let me Ascend now.” Turning in her cupola to gaze into the smoke masked by the dust thrown up by their guns, she tried to count the hits.
“Oh Judge, may I wait no longer.”
Fire at enemy at y-22. 5 m24/Ks at +3 Attack vs ??? Def
Fire and Maneuver Move to Y-23
Movement: Pivot East, Move to Z-23, Pivot West.