>>5129350So in addition to the videogames here I would also add these influences for the mode after the story mission:
Metal Gear Solid IV, V (yay tactical gear fetish stuff lol. Also just the general idea that violence is bad)
Death Stranding (it is not that difficult but again the atmosphere. It is sort of like a tactical loadout simulator for being an Amazon delivery person lol, somehow made walking and carrying bags and ladders tactical and cool).
Ghost Recon Wildlands (so many guns lol. Also Cartel)
Alan Wake (made by Remedy who made Max Payne. Flare guns in this to fight the shadow darkness monster people)
The Evil Within (despite the weird aspect ratio messing up the screen the atmosphere of this game is incredible. Also some weird VR stuff)
Condemned: Criminal Origins 1 & 2 (fight homeless beggar people. You may be a sort of Cthulhu god with a supernatural voice...)
American McGee's Alice
Quake 3
That spinning Soul Cube razor blade thing from Doom 3. It is cute and adorable.
Painkiller and Painkiller Battle Out Of Hell (ignore all other sequels and games in this series. Look, this game had a STAKE GUN affectionately known as a Tree Launcher. You shoot trees and impale enemies.)
(already mentioned)
Max Payne
F.E.A.R. 1, 2
Mirrors Edge
Devil May Cry
Killer Is Dead