>>5894485>>5893902>>5893910>Whether you can save your mentor now... you can at least avenge him! Or, you can certainly try...>85Prayers uttered under your breath, your shaking hands find stability with grip of the laspistol at your side. Dropping the rest of the carried equipment without a care to the outcome, you take aim for the enemy. Whichever your actions may have gone unnoticed by the beast before, it most definitely becomes aware of your presence once the air sounds with an energized crack and for a moment the room alights red from the beam.
But only a moment, before the return of a green glow from the chaotic energy field of the alien machinery.
<span class="mu-b">"Let him be, xeno wretch!"</span>
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">"Huh? 'ere's more of ya' is there?!"</span></span>
Quicker than you'd expect from a creature of its size (and so laden with heretical machinery), the alien tosses your mentor aside in order to grab for its own weapon. You make several more shots yourself, each finding their mark upon xeno flesh or metal but it isn't enough to prevent a retaliation. Some crude scrap assembly of an autogun as far as you can tell, the weapon hammers a barrage at you. Or in your direction at least, when to your relief the gunfire shreds the wall behind you instead. Your relief, and the alien's confusion.
<span class="mu-b">"-ha! See how the Omnissiah frowns upon tech-heresy!"</span>
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">"...zoggin' junk!"</span></span>
Well the xeno may have missed firing at you, but it doesn't miss simply throwing the weapon at you in frustration. Knocked off your feet from the blow, you barely have time to recover before the enemy closes the distance with a charging roar. A powerful kick knocks you off the floor and up against the wall with a pained cry, as the room alights in a brilliant green. The scrap-machine array across the alien's body surges furiously to channel energy into a crude clawed gauntlet, already looking like it could eviscerate a grox even without the energy.
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">-move!</span></span>
Thanks only to your combat experience, do you have your reflexes about you to evade the attack... only just. Mere units away from being mulched by a grinding energized horror, which embeds itself into the wall where you had been. Catching the hulking xeno by the arm amid a tangle of rent metal and cable mess. If only for the moment, but a chance enough for you to duck past a grabbing attempt by the enemy's spare hand, and in turn deliver your own attack.