You raise an eyebrow as a incredibly bright color appears in your general vision.
Pink."Hello!" the girl you notice now, says with a cheery disposition.
Without responding you throw your life fiber bombs at her. With a flash she cuts them all holdng a... wait that's a-
"Oh! That's not a very nice way to treat a new friend!" she says with an unatural screech to her voice
"Who the hell are you?!" you ask
"That's a secret, heehee!" she raises a leg up as she giggles eyes closed
You take a few steps back, you've just met this girl yet... you can tell she's dangerous, she emanates killing intent even with her cheery disposition. This isn't a fight you think you can win.
"Where's your best friend?" she asks
"Best friend?" you question does she mean-
"Anon Meipan!" she tilts her head "I really, really want to meet him!"
"I don't know." you admit
"Ohhh that's okay!" she says false gloom entering and then immediately leaving her voice.
Suddenly life fibers whip out from nowhere and wrap around you.
"Guess we'll have to find him!"
The last thing you do before being hoisted off, is scream