>>5937744Okay, Pockets. The Girl is kind, obedient, resourceful and many-skilled. In despair, she is diligent. Unwatched, she is upright. In plenty, she is frugal. On paths, she is unswerving. In disappointment, she is patient. In the end, she is fulfilled. Almost no room for irony. Complicates things when you've already saved someone from this witch, but irony gets the Girl's sisters cursed, so zip it up. If the Girl could only take one bit of Pockets with her, what would it be?
God give me serenity to forbear, strength to change, wisdom to discern, Amen.Yeah, that'll do.
>Offer Boris all his things back>Stow bread in Pocket Space>Prepare to assume the role of the Girl. I've got civilian clothes, some people skills, a collection of little tools, a readiness to commit and very real danger all around. Am I missing anything?